Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Heijastuksia lasisilmästä

Reflections from a Glass Eye. FI 1992. PC: Netrum Oy. P: Ilpo Murtovaara. D+ED: Kanerva Cederström. SC: Riikka Tanner. DP: Ilkka Ruuhijärvi. M: Appe Vanajas. S: Heikki Innanen. 35 min. Viewed at Cinema Orion, Helsinki (Kanerva Cederström), 3 Nov 2010. - The manufacture of glass eyes for taxidermy and dolls is the starting point for a documentary essay on preserving living beings and the presence of images of animals in science, children's play and advertising (a commercial where a muscle car morphs into a running tiger). There are even grotesque views of composite fake animals created by the taxidermists. A beautiful photochemical print.

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